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Exclusive Partner
Delta Analytics
LatAm Intersect PR is the exclusive partner of Delta Analytics in Latin America.
Introducing Share of Find
– the ultimate visibility metric

Imagine the idea of ‘Google Uncovered’; a dashboard tracking how your product or brand is performing on the World’s dominant search engine.  Not based on what people are typing into the search, but what they are actually finding – what Google is showing them.

This promise is fulfilled with Delta Analytics’ Share of Find (SoF) reports.  While Google Trends and the increasingly popular Share of Search are established tools, they track the ‘input’ (keywords and terms used to search); Share of Find analytics measure what Google is revealing, ie. what people are actually finding for a given search.

SoF can be used to track (product categories, brand names etc) on an ongoing basis, as well as ad hoc issues (crises, emergencies, punctual events etc) with respect to the competition.  The resulting metrics are all organic and 100% country/language specific, they can be used to help brands measure and fine tune their SEO, positioning and messaging efforts on an ongoing basis and in real time.

SoF is part of Delta Analytics’ portfolio of ‘find-based’ analytics products exclusively available in Latin America through LatAm Intersect PR.

About Delta Analytics

LatAm Intersect PR is the exclusive partner of Delta Analytics in Latin America.  Delta Analytics’ team of researchers are working on understanding and propagating the principle of empathy – seeing the World as other do (irrespective of you agree with or, even, understand them). This work involves contextual listening, non-conditioning research: measuring and comparing contextual factors such as locations and humanistic factors such as emotions, associated with different issues, without actually influencing the same.

The Research & Development team is led by Professor David Midgley, Emeritus Professor at INSEAD. A range of other disciplines are involved including natural and social sciences, communications, market research, data analytics.  Delta Analytics is registered and headquartered in Belgium.

Share of Find
Share of Find (SoF) measures the frequency with which a brand (or product) appears in organic search
Emotional Analytics reports
Emotional Analytics reports reveal the emotions most associated with a particular issue, country and language.
CompoEmo Indices (CompoEmo)
CompoEmo Indices apply Emotional Analytics data to financial markets to generate competitive insights.

Delta Analytics’ portfolio

The portfolio includes a range of products and servicing models from on-demand and subscription, to consulting and modelling.

Share of Find reports

Share of Find (SoF) measures the frequency with which a brand (or product) appears in organic search; typically, Google Search (but which could equally apply to other search engines).

SoF can be defined as the proportion of organic search results around a particular category or issues that includes a particular brand; in effect, the slice of the ‘Google findings pie’ that results for any particular search query.

Emotional Analytics reports

Emotional Analytics reports reveal the emotions most associated with a particular issue, according to date, country and language.

The following emotions are tracked by default; they are based on various Discrete Emotion Theories focusing on those most associated with action (and or relevance to brands), but any particular emotional combination can be analysed:

  • anger
  • anticipation
  • disgust
  • fear
  • jealousy
  • happiness
  • loneliness
  • sadness
  • surprise

CompoEmo Indices

CompoEmo Indices apply Emotional Analytics data to financial markets (or other business metrics) to generate competitive insights into the likely movement of the same.

For instance, CompEmo data is now available demonstrating their ability to correctly predict the movement of the following day’s BOVESPA index with a degree of accuracy in excess of 65% (for certain historical periods); however, the value of the index can be revealed by detailed correlation analysis against multiple factors.

In this above example, CompoEmo is tracking an unweighted composite of emotions with respect to the issues of the economy published in Portuguese on the Web and in the online media in Brazil, and compares the resulting data with BOVESPA opening prices for the corresponding dates.

A ‘random forest’ correlation test was applied to the two datasets based on an accumulation of the preceding 5 days weighted composite Emotional Analytics scores’ ability to predict the 6th day’s opening price: confirming a 0.89 correlation for the 10-year period.

Behind the data

These insights and reports are generated through the use of patent applied for Associative HyperSearch™ technology to simultaneously identify, track and record search associations over time.

The technology allows brands and organisations to see the World (or a particular issue) through the eyes of others; i.e. in the manner that they (i.e. consumers, informed or otherwise) search for a particular product or piece of information, in a purely (and uniquely) unprompted, unconditioned manner.  Through a combination of social science, technology and observation, Delta Analytics has developed a methodology and set of tools to measure, compare and track associations that consumers relate with any subject at a single moment, or over time; all of which mitigate all of the shortcomings of traditional market research (ranging from biases inherent in the polling process, to the conditioning effect of the same).

These techniques are based on a seminal paper published by Professor David Midgley, Emeritus Professor at INSEAD Business School (and Chief Scientific Officer of Delta Analytics) in collaboration with the Delta Analytics founding team, and complemented by a technological breakthrough, Associative Hypersearch™; an entirely non-invasive technique for tracking emotions associated with any given issue without interfering or conditioning the results.

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